City of London Resources and Benefits

Being a member of a Livery Company has additional benefits through links with other organisations and networks.  Below are listed a number of ways to connect with other people in the City and access resources  including regular updates on City activities.

Becoming a Freeman of the City of London

More information about becoming a Freeman of the City of London can be found on the City of London website and on the Livery Committee web site. You may also wish to contact the Chamberlains Court via

Livery Committee Courses

The Livery Committee runs a variety of courses. They provide information on how the City of London Corporation works, the range of its activities, some key issues facing the City, and how Liverymen can get involved in City affairs. They also act as a forum for discussion and an opportunity for informal networking. New members and officers are particularly recommended to attend. Go here to book.

Livery Briefing

The latest newsletter from the Livery Committee can be found on its website along with an archive of past newsletters.

Bridge Ward Club

Tha Hall lies within the City Ward of Bridge and Bridge Without. Members of SIM are welcome to join this club to connect more closely with its Alderman and Common Councilmen as well as attend club social events. Click here to find out more and make sure to mention you are a member of SIM if you apply.

Guild of Freemen of the City of London

All Freemen of the City of London are eligible to apply for membership of the Guild of Freemen of the City of London.

Guild of Young Freemen of the City of London

If you are under 40 then you may prefer to join this Guild which has a lively social life.

Lord Mayor’s Bulletin

All of the Lord Mayor’s Bulletins can be found on the Livery Committee’s website.

Books on the City

The Lives of the Great and the Good – Honorary Freemen of the Cty of London

The City of London Freeman’s Guide

City of London: Secrets of the Square Mile

The Livery Halls of the City of London

London Guilds and Liveries (Discovering Books): 1

Gresham College

Offers a regular seminar series. Go here to find past and future lecture.

Livery Committee portal

The Livery Committee is a connecting forum for communication between the livery and the officers at Guildhall and Mansion House. Its website is a comprehensive collection of Livery-related information and resources.

Lord Mayor’s Show

The Lord Mayor’s Show is one of the landmark events in the City of London’s calendar and usually takes place in November each year.

City Livery Club

The City Livery Club offers a private daytime Club for Liverymen and members of related City organisations where they can meet, dine, and exchange views in heritage premises close to the Tower of London and within easy distance of Mansion House and Guildhall.

Brigantes – City of London Liverymen in the North

Since Brigantes was formed in 2014, a prerequisite for Brigantes participation as a subscribing member or non-subscribing supporter is to be clothed in the Livery of a City of London Company, or Member of the Company of Parish Clerks or the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, and of good standing. Their recent newsletter can be found here. If you are interested in receiving Brigantes circulars, please contact Fiona Robinson at