How to join

If you are applying to become a Liveryman, you need to have an established career related to scientific instrumentation or progress from Freeman of the Company. If new to the company you will need to be proposed and seconded by two existing members. You also need to be a Freeman of the City of London before you can be admitted. The Clerk can advise on this if you are not already Freeman.

You can apply to be a Freeman if you are a student or in the early stages of your career or wish to progress from Apprentice. Simply complete the form below and return. Similarly if you wish to be an Apprentice, complete the form which includes getting a parent or guardian’s permission.

We have three levels of membership – all assume you have an interest in instrumentation whatever the field physics. electronics, engineering etc. We strongly recommend that you come along to a Meet Us event before applying even if proposed by an existing member.

Please email any completed form to The Clerk via or post it to: The Clerk, Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, Glaziers’ Hall, 9 Montague Close, London SE1 9DD. You are also welcome to contact the Clerk if you have any questions.


Once an application is received it is considered by one of the Company’s committees and if acceptable approved by the Court. Once approved you will be expected to pay quarterage and an admission fee in line with the costs below. You will also be invited to attend an Admissions Ceremony and make a declaration of committment to the company and craft of scientific instrumentation. Apprentices also go though a binding ceremony at the Guildhall.

What does it cost?

Both Freemen and Liverymen pay the same annual subscription, called Quarterage in the Livery, dependent on age. This falls due at the begining of every October when the Master and Wardens progress. The quarterage rates below apply for 2023-24.

Up to 25£45

Liverymen are also asked to pay a one-off Admission Fee of £250 plus £60 towards the cost of their livery badge. Freeman are asked for an Admission Fee of £50.

Why Join Us?

The main reasons people join us are fellowship and philanthropy. You get to meet new people, have access to the City of London’s heritage and a chance to give back through sharing expertise or donating to the Charity. You also get to dress up, and wine and dine with convivial company if you wish.

You may also be interested in this guide published by the City of London Public Relations Office.

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