History of WCSIM

Founded in 1955 the Company became a full Livery in 1963. It has a rich history (see links below) and a Coat of Arms. We were granted a Royal Charter early in 2021 and celebrated this achievement in 2022. Historically Royal Charters were used create public or private corporations (including towns and cities), and to define their privileges and purpose. Nowadays, Charters can be issued to bodies that work in the public interest such as professional institutions and charities that demonstrate pre-eminence, stability and permanence in their particular field. A 5 minute video of the event can be found here. The Company follows the pattern of all Liveries by supporting a profession i.e. scientific instrument making and using.


The company seal in stained glass at the St Margaret Lothbury Church in London

Members today come from a wide range of industries including measurement and control, medical and biomedical, communication electronics and lighting components, as well as research, development and manufacturing. Members also come from a wide range of levels within their specific fields We welcome everyone from those embarking on their chosen careers to those nearing retirement or indeed already retired.

SIM promotes the craft of scientific instrument making and the exchange of ideas and information by members and guests through meetings, visits, lectures and social events. Equally SIM is very much about providing opportunities for members to give something back through encouraging and mentoring other members or engaging with young people through schools and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) days.

Our history has been recorded in two detailed books covering the periods 1964 to 1989, and 1989 to 2014.

You can download Part 1 and Part 2. Each is ~10Mb. Or, you can browse them below.