The Company congratulates Lewis who successfully defended his PhD viva on Monday, 24th of February 2025, at the Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. Lewis is one of our post-graduate scholarship awardees. He expressed his gratitude to all, for the massive support and motivation he received to the successful completion of this tough journey. His research focuses on exploring the application of novel hexagonal optical devices for improving sustainability, performance, and packing density of building integrated concentrating photovoltaic systems. By concentrating light through the novel hexagonal concentrators onto smaller highly-efficient PV cells, he achieved significant reduction of PV material volume, while improving output power, energy-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reducing carbon footprint, and environmental impact. These compact hexagonal photovoltaic modules can be integrated seamlessly within double-glazed windows, facades, and rooftops of the building envelope compared to traditional photovoltaic panels. He is open to future opportunities.