Manchester SIM Hub

Manchester SIM Hub

The Manchester SIM hub met for their regular meeting at the Wharf Pub in Manchester on June 17th. Numbers were a little low due to holidays and unforseen work committments. However, as always, an array of interesting topics were discussed, spanning cybersecurity to space exploration.  We are looking forward to meeting again on Thursday August 1st.

Sam White

Support for City Priest running the London Marathon

Liveryman Alan Budge asks for your support for a City Priest who is running in the London Marathon – 21st April – in support of his brother who tragically died last year of Bowel Cancer, just a few months after being diagnosed. Full details of this request can be found here and are summarised below. To sponsor Josh go here.

Manchester Hub meeting

SIM Manchester Hub

I just wanted to email to thank everyone who attended the SIM Hub tour of the Science and Industry Museum last week. What a fantastic occasion it was to get behind the scenes insight to some remarkable historic scientific instruments including James Joules travelling microscope.

For those who could not join us on Thursday, I am happy to announce we have fixed a date for the Concorde Tour, which will be: Saturday 10th February 2024. In addition, a date for the WCSIM visit to Jodrell Bank which will be Saturday 13th April. More on these events in upcoming emails.

Please do join the WhatsApp group for less formal communication on:

Best wishes,

Sam White

WCSIM, UKAS, BSI & NPL about to set off in the Lord Mayor's Show.

Lord Mayors Show

This is the first time WCSIM have had a float in the parade although they have joined the Modern Liveries float in previous years.  We partnered with the UK Accreditation Service, (UKAS), the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the British Standards Institute (bsi.). The emphasis is on science, measurement and standards as well as collaboration. The Lord Mayor, Hon Liveryman Michael Mainelli gave us the biggest wave imaginable as we went past the balcony at Mansion House. More photos of the Silent Ceremony and the Show can be found here.

A big thanks to Sandra Rowse our photographer and London Hire who were so supportive and flexible over the minibus hire. The staff of Glaziers Hall also deserve a special mention for being so accomodating and provding welcome refreshments post Show. Finally, but by no means least, thanks to Freeman Ed Talboys for being an excellent Deputy and the Pagentmasters Office, especially Laura and Dominic Read, for keeping us informed, organised and safe.


Misha Hebel, Clerk

Gema Gonzalez

Beloe Fellowship

The Company is pleased to announce the award of this year’s Beloe Fellowship to Dr Gema Vera Gonzalez, currently a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London. She is working in the area of bioinstrumentation, and has developed a technique which enables the simultaneous selection and monitoring of up to four selected cells in the brain – a multi-patch-clamp technique – which will help to provide further insight into brain functioning. She has automated this difficult and tedious process, increasing too the rate of successful monitoring interventions, and the Beloe Fellowship will help her to continue to work on this automation process, as well as the wider dissemination of this novel work. The interview panel was impressed by Gema’s enthusiasm, scientific rigour and drive, and trust that she will have the opportunity to discuss her work in person with Apprentices, Freemen and Liverymen at future events at Glazier’s Hall and elsewhere.

Poster session SIMposium 2023

When will nuclear fusion keep the lights on?

This year’s Master’s SIMposium, Economically Competitive Fusion Energy, aimed to find out when nuclear fusion will generate electricity power at a price people can afford.  Held at the Hall on 3 April, the event attracted a full audience to hear presentations from senior figures from the fusion industry, from the City’s financial sector, and from researchers tackling the difficult technical challenges that still remain.  Oral presentations in the morning were followed by posters in the afternoon.