SIM Cutter rowers

Another Floating Livery Event

The WCSIM own two vintage cutters, which we enter, in various events on the Thames throughout the year, such as The Tudor Pull and The Great River Race.


In charge of SIM’s involvement, on both river, and events afloat in The City, is our Bargemaster, Professor Simon Hall.


As both of the SIM boats, are currently being repaired and varnished, ready for next year, another vintage rowing boat was borrowed, and on Sunday 23 October, Freemen Ed Talboys, Jaime Farrington and Philo Waddell, plus Liverymen Martyn Wheatley and Simon Hall, took to the water for some practice training, in preparation for 2023.


At 15°C, the weather was warm for the time of year, although extremely wet at times, but we all had fun afloat.


Our trip took us up-stream, from Richmond to Teddington lock (nearly) as we made a circular tour of Eel Pie Island, famous for outrageous Rolling Stones parties in the sixties, the amazing inventor Sir Trevor Bayliss, plus a number of still active, traditional boat yards.


The views along our route took in Marble Hill House, the Orleans Gallery, the 17th century White Swan, plus the equally elderly Barmy Arms, the Star & Garter, Petersham Hotel and the beautiful protected Petersham Meadows.


Simons local knowledge kept us informed of the scenery, which was gliding past, as we practiced our rowing techniques and especially, trying to keep in time with Ed, who was at Stroke. We did well and enjoyed the morning on the river.


By the time we moored-up, back in Richmond, where the SIM cutters are kept, we were ready for a cuppa and some cakes. Martyn treated the crew to just that, on the floating restaurant at Richmond quayside, called The Peggy Jean.


As you can see from the photograph, the cake did the trick……oh, and the sun came out at last. Smile everybody!


If you have ever fancied rowing for the Livery, then do please get in touch with The Clerk or Simon Hall.