Remembering Past Liverymen – Maria Watkins

Maria Watkins was a very active Liveryman in the 1980-90’s and a keen supporter of Apprentices. She died in 2010 and you might like to read the following written about her in 2019 under the heading Magnificent Women (in Engineering). She also features on Wikipedia as herself and on the page for History of Women in Engineering.

Freeman Meng Wu

Freeman Meng Wu in Ingenia

One of our newest Freemen Meng Wu has recently featured in Ingenia where he mentions one of his biggest achievements as becoming a Freeman which is praise indeed given his other ahievements. Go here to read more about Meng Wu and follow the Ingenia link to read about it’s contribution to the Royal Academy of Engineering’s goal for engineering to be at the heart of a sustainable society.

Youngest Freemen of the City

We are very pleased to have a number of new members become Freemen of the City over the past month. In the photo are Simon Moore, Peter Claque and Gautam Kambhampati. Also admitted recently are Malcolm George, Callum Stirlinig and Tim Denison.