Below are a collection of missives from the Master’s during their year.
Carol Service and Christmas Party
Last evening (9 December 2024) members attended the Carol Service at St Margaret Lothbury together with the Coleman Street and Broad Street Ward Clubs. The Chaplain, Jeremy Crossley led a heartwarming service supported by the wonderful choir. We then moved…
Lord Mayors Show 2024
On 9 November 2024, SIM combined with five other organisations under the grouping Our National Quality Infrastructure to join the Lord Mayors Show. The float consisted of representatives from UKAS, WCSIM, BSI, NPL, CQI|IRCA and CTSI. The float (named after…
Annual Garden of Remembrance service
The Master was privileged to represent the Company at the annual Garden of Remembrance service at St. Paul’s Cathedral where he laid a cross in honour of those who have died in the service of our country.
It was a delight to see so many young science, technology and engineering students sharing their work through the STEMPOINT poster session at the Hall. The range of assignments – supported by universities, research institutes and commercial businesses – was…
January Court Dinner – Report from Master Water Conservator
As Master of the Water Conservators I had the great pleasure to be invited to the Court Dinner of the Scientific Instrument Makers along with the Master Farmer and the Master Mariner (Master Water Conservator, Scientific Instrument Maker and Mariner…
Read More January Court Dinner – Report from Master Water Conservator
InstMC honour for Deputy Master
The Deputy Master, Professor Philip Thomas, was made an Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Measurement and Control at a ceremony held in at Prince Philip House, London on 26 October. Honorary Fellowship is given in recognition of distinguished, and…
Admission Court Dinner
Mr Aubrey Dunford newly installed Master, assisted by the new Senior Warden Mr Jim Webster and the new Junior Warden Mrs Jane Fishwick, hosted the Admission Court Dinner of the Scientific Instrument Makers’ Company held in Scientific Instrument Makers’ Hall…
Economic lessons from the J-value for covid response
The Master Prof. Philip Thomas gave a lecture to Aldermanic Sherriff Michael Mainelli’s FS, Financial Services club. Click here to watch.
Usk 2023: the Master’s Weekend
Guests and summer arrived together on our first afternoon at Cwrt Bleddyn, the historic manor house hotel playing host to this year’s Master’s Weekend, in Usk, South Wales, from 12 to 15 May 2023.
Support for the next generation at City, University of London
City, which received its royal charter in 1966 and became a part of the University of London five decades later, has always been held in high and proprietorial regard by the City of London, with the position of Rector reserved…
Read More Support for the next generation at City, University of London
WCSIM at the Lord Mayor’s Show
What could be better than a stroll in the warm, autumn sunshine, through the heart of the City, with no cars to bother you, because, thoughtfully, all the roads have been closed to traffic, just to preserve your peace of…
New Master
Prof Philip Thomas became Master of the Scientific Instrument Makers on 20 October 2022. See below for his thoughts on the last few years and his Admission Court Dinner.
Reflections Flotilla
On Saturday night the 24th September, the Thames Festival put on a poignant Reflection in honour of our late Queen.
Masters Weekend in Geneva
The WCSIM trip to Geneva has been a long time in the making and it marks the Masters’ weekend for both the current Master, Charles Holroyd, and Deputy Master, Martyn Wheatley. The organisation of this trip could not have been…
Lord Mayor’s Show 13 November 2021
The Company was represented at the Lord Mayor’s Show by the Master Charles Holroyd, his Consort Caroline and Apprentice, Sam Dixon, who led the way with the Company placard.
The Masters 03Q21 Blog
It is hard to believe that it is three months since my last Master’s Blog. Life at SIM, is busy, and especially as The Master.
The Masters 02Q21 Blog
Welcome to The Masters Blog for the second Quarter of 2021 You might think that with COVID restrictions keeping us all at home, for months on end, that there couldn’t be too much to report……….but you would be so very…
Livery Lunch and Master’s Walk on Saturday 3rd July 2021
After the Ball is over….(or at least after the Summer Banquet) – Livery Lunch and Master’s Walk on Saturday 3rd July
Annual Banquet 2 July 2021
Back to normal (nearly) at the Summer Banquet – report from Junior Warden Philip Thomas
An end of year missive from the Master
In the lead up to Christmas and a well-earned rest over the festive season, I thought I would take this opportunity reflect on last twelve months.
Consort at Private Luncheon with Lady Mayoress
The Master’s Consort, Lesley Grattan was recently invited to lunch with the Lady Mayoress.
An Autumnal missive from the Master
September has come round again, with that a short period of an Indian summer and of course, the evenings drawing in rapidly and reminding us that it is autumn again.
Master’s Missive July 2020
I thought it was a good opportunity to write to everyone again in this Bulletin at the end of July. For most of us this time of year signals the start of the summer holidays.