ReHaus (refugee accomodation) update

Freeman Jordan Griffith has let us know the first prototype is complete. It was shared with the offsite show last week in excel where the show organisers allowed us to exhibit to shelter for free.

The relevant social media channels, website and funding pages are live and regularly updated with the latest information.
Instagram: @Rehaus2022
Linked In: @Re:Haus
Jordan reports that they are currently working closely with several charities and foundations all which are in desperate need of the units. The main speed hump we are finding is getting the necessary funds to build the shelters.
We have funding for the first two production units from the owners of stelling properties that will hopefully get the ball rolling. These two units will be sent to Poland in a months time to support those displaced the border. After this we look to produce another 23 units that will go to similar locations. Post these locations we have had requests for a further 50 units to go to the city of Dnipro which currently has 250,000 refugees in a city with a population of 1.25m.
What we are seeing is that the need for this is growing by the week with more and more locations that currently have temporary solutions looking for a medium to long term solution.
If there’s anymore information that you would like to pass on or if anyone wants to contact me directly please feel free to pass on my details.
Kind regards

Jordan Griffith BSc

Phone: 07826131716