David Rhind

Death of Honorary Liveryman Prof David Rhind

We regret to announce the death of Honorary Liveryman Prof David Rhind. David became an Honorary member in 2007 shortly before retiring from City University where he served as Vice-Chancellor for nine years, from 1998. A pioneer in the field of geography, he made significant contributions to geographical information systems (GIS). To read more please go here.

Liveryman Michael Stanley Rocky C.Eng MIEE Obituary

Mike as he liked to be known, joined the Livery in 1970 after a career in the UK Atomic Energy Authority. He later joined the Central Electricity Generation Board and Nuclear Energy plc retiring in 1992. He joined the Livery based on his experience in plant control instrumentation and utilisation in electricity generation , specifically from nuclear power stations and also to follow in his Liveryman Father, Charles Rocky’s, a founder of the company’s, footsteps. He lectured in nuclear safety and legislation on company training courses and gave his social interests as travel, especially to Spain, gardening and village life. He died aged 88 in Somerset on 8 July 2023 after failing health.

Patrick Graham Lowe Obituary

The Company is saddened to hear of the death of Liveryman Patrick Graham Lowe, who passed away aged 90 following a short illness.

Patrick was a well-known, active member of the charitable community and served the ECA both locally and nationally as President. He was extremely well-respected amongst his peers and helped develop and restore many of Oxford’s and the country’s most prestigious buildings.

Following completion of an engineering science degree at Brasenose college Oxford, Patrick joined the University Air squadron prior to serving in the Royal Air Force before returning home to run the family business in 1958.

Throughout his career he was a mentor to a vast number employed within both Lowe and Oliver and throughout the Oxfordshire electrical community, nurturing and passing down the high standards and values he so passionately believed in.

Patrick will be greatly missed by those who had the pleasure of knowing and working with him and our heartfelt sympathies go out to his family and friends.

This information comes from the ECA web site