Youngest Freemen of the City

We are very pleased to have a number of new members become Freemen of the City over the past month. In the photo are Simon Moore, Peter Claque and Gautam Kambhampati. Also admitted recently are Malcolm George, Callum Stirlinig and Tim Denison.

Liveryman Michael Stanley Rocky C.Eng MIEE Obituary

Mike as he liked to be known, joined the Livery in 1970 after a career in the UK Atomic Energy Authority. He later joined the Central Electricity Generation Board and Nuclear Energy plc retiring in 1992. He joined the Livery based on his experience in plant control instrumentation and utilisation in electricity generation , specifically from nuclear power stations and also to follow in his Liveryman Father, Charles Rocky’s, a founder of the company’s, footsteps. He lectured in nuclear safety and legislation on company training courses and gave his social interests as travel, especially to Spain, gardening and village life. He died aged 88 in Somerset on 8 July 2023 after failing health.