He was able to meet four new Apprentices and present them with their Arkwright certificates.
He was able to meet four new Apprentices and present them with their Arkwright certificates.
SIM are proud to have been so closely involved with this project. Go here to find out more.
Mr J C Webster newly installed Master, assisted by the new Senior Warden Mrs J E Fishwick and the new Junior Warden Prof. S A O’Connor, hosted the Admission Court Dinner of the Scientific Instrument Makers’ Company held in Glaziers’ Hall on 17 October 2024.
On Sunday, Master elect Jim Webster and Senior Warden elect Jane Fishwick were guests of the Honourable Artillery Company Light Cavalry at their annual inspection by the Honorary Liveryman and Lord Mayor of London, Michael Mainelli at Windsor.
Read More “SIM at Honourable Artillery Company Light Cavalry annual inspection”
Welcome to Mark Wharrier who gained his Freedom of the City on 4 October. We look forward to admitting him as a Liveryman of the Company on 17 October 2024.
Held in the Rose and Crown, North Parade Oxford. We were six members and two guests, Anna and Tom Davies, Roger Sutton, Simon Flowers, Tim Denison and myself and Beverley Sutton and Chris Caunt were guests.
Read More “Report of the Oxford Hub Meeting – Wednesday 25th September 2024”
On Saturday 07 September 2024 Past Master, Martyn Wheatley, organized another fun and fascinating history walk for twenty-one SIM members around Kensington. Photo taken by John Caunt.
How molecular clocks are refining human evolution’s timeline -Analyzing DNA from present-day and ancient genomes provides a complementary approach for dating evolutionary events. Because certain genetic changes occur at a steady rate per generation, they provide an estimate of the time elapsed. These changes accrue like the ticks on a stopwatch, providing a “molecular clock.” Go here to read more from The Conversation.
This years Cornish Award has gone to Professor Ahmed Kovacevic, FREng from City, University of London and Freeman Dr William Milligan from Howden Compressors in recognition of the success of the excellent cooperation across the teams that they lead over many years, which has resulted in significant advancement in the field through better simulation and measurement and its application to creating new and better compressor technology, resulting in significant benefits for the company and for UK industry. More can be found here on the websites of INstMC and City St Georges, University of London.