Hendo's Washboard

Carol Service and Christmas Party

Dancing at WCSIM and Ward Club post-Carol Service partyLast evening (9 December 2024) members attended the Carol Service at St Margaret Lothbury together with the Coleman Street and Broad Street Ward Clubs. The Chaplain, Jeremy Crossley led a heartwarming service supported by the wonderful choir. We then moved to our Hall to enjoy a Christmas party with some excellent food and wine , a draw for festive fizz presented by Santa and some great trad jazz played by the Hendo Washboard Kings. As you will see from the photos, some of our members were moved to demonstrate their bopping skills with increasing enthusiasm as the evening progressed!



Lord Mayors Show 2024

On 9 November 2024, SIM combined with five other organisations under the grouping Our National Quality Infrastructure to join the Lord Mayors Show. The float consisted of representatives from UKAS, WCSIM, BSI, NPL, CQI|IRCA and CTSI. The float (named after the orginal river borne Show) included the Master, Jim Webster; Liverymen: Simon Flower and Joan Hall plus Freemen Scott Greenwell, Meng Wu and Ed Talboys. Scott and Joan took it in turns to carry a large balloon with the SIM coat of arms. Apprently we nearly lost Scott in a gust of wind. After the Show participants and their families were invited back to SIM Hall (aka Glaziers Hall) for refreshments and a sit down.

Thanks to Danielle Hasell, Clare Hooper, Tessa Fallows and the BBC for the photos.



Remembering Past Liverymen – Maria Watkins

Maria Watkins was a very active Liveryman in the 1980-90’s and a keen supporter of Apprentices. She died in 2010 and you might like to read the following written about her in 2019 under the heading Magnificent Women (in Engineering). She also features on Wikipedia as herself and on the page for History of Women in Engineering.


Freeman Meng Wu

Freeman Meng Wu in Ingenia

One of our newest Freemen Meng Wu has recently featured in Ingenia where he mentions one of his biggest achievements as becoming a Freeman which is praise indeed given his other achievements. Go here to read more about Meng Wu and follow the Ingenia link to read about it’s contribution to the Royal Academy of Engineering’s goal for engineering to be at the heart of a sustainable society.