Our news

Lewis Tamuno-Ibuomi & PhD novel hexagonal optical devices for improving sustainability, performance

Congratulations to Freeman Lewis Tamuno-Ibuomi

The Company congratulates Lewis who successfully defended his PhD viva on Monday, 24th of February 2025, at the Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. Lewis is one of our post-graduate scholarship awardees. He expressed his gratitude to all, for the massive support and motivation he received to the successful completion of this tough journey. His research focuses on exploring the application of novel hexagonal optical devices for improving sustainability, performance, and packing density of building integrated concentrating photovoltaic systems. By concentrating light through the novel hexagonal concentrators onto smaller highly-efficient PV cells, he achieved significant reduction of PV material volume, while improving output power, energy-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reducing carbon footprint, and environmental impact. These compact hexagonal photovoltaic modules can be integrated seamlessly within double-glazed windows, facades, and rooftops of the building envelope compared to traditional photovoltaic panels. He is open to future opportunities.

Master attends graduation ceremony at City St Georges, University of London

The Master attended the Degree Congregation at City St George’s, University of London on Monday 27th January together with a number of Masters from other Livery companies. The Lord Mayor was Installed as Rector before the awarding of degrees in the School of Health and Psychological Sciences.

Jim has commented ‘’ it was heartening to see so many young people receive their degrees in subject areas such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radiography, speech therapy and nursing and a privilege to represent our Company at this auspicious ceremony’’.

David Rhind

Death of Honorary Liveryman Prof David Rhind

We regret to announce the death of Honorary Liveryman Prof David Rhind. David became an Honorary member in 2007 shortly before retiring from City University where he served as Vice-Chancellor for nine years, from 1998. A pioneer in the field of geography, he made significant contributions to geographical information systems (GIS). To read more please go here.