Three Masters

January Court Dinner – Report from Master Water Conservator

As Master of the Water Conservators I had the great pleasure to be invited to the Court Dinner of the Scientific Instrument Makers along with the Master Farmer and the Master Mariner (Master Water Conservator, Scientific Instrument Maker and Mariner above).  I was warmly welcomed by members of the Company and we had fascinating discussions on the monitoring of water quality in rivers and the discharges from sewage works, farming and industry.  We also discussed the management of data and communications with the public.

Freeman Meng Wu

Freeman Meng Wu in Ingenia

One of our newest Freemen Meng Wu has recently featured in Ingenia where he mentions one of his biggest achievements as becoming a Freeman which is praise indeed given his other achievements. Go here to read more about Meng Wu and follow the Ingenia link to read about it’s contribution to the Royal Academy of Engineering’s goal for engineering to be at the heart of a sustainable society.

Manchester Hub meeting

SIM Manchester Hub

I just wanted to email to thank everyone who attended the SIM Hub tour of the Science and Industry Museum last week. What a fantastic occasion it was to get behind the scenes insight to some remarkable historic scientific instruments including James Joules travelling microscope.

For those who could not join us on Thursday, I am happy to announce we have fixed a date for the Concorde Tour, which will be: Saturday 10th February 2024. In addition, a date for the WCSIM visit to Jodrell Bank which will be Saturday 13th April. More on these events in upcoming emails.

Please do join the WhatsApp group for less formal communication on:

Best wishes,

Sam White

WCSIM, UKAS, BSI & NPL about to set off in the Lord Mayor's Show.

Lord Mayors Show

This is the first time WCSIM have had a float in the parade although they have joined the Modern Liveries float in previous years.  We partnered with the UK Accreditation Service, (UKAS), the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the British Standards Institute (bsi.). The emphasis is on science, measurement and standards as well as collaboration. The Lord Mayor, Hon Liveryman Michael Mainelli gave us the biggest wave imaginable as we went past the balcony at Mansion House. More photos of the Silent Ceremony and the Show can be found here.

A big thanks to Sandra Rowse our photographer and London Hire who were so supportive and flexible over the minibus hire. The staff of Glaziers Hall also deserve a special mention for being so accomodating and provding welcome refreshments post Show. Finally, but by no means least, thanks to Freeman Ed Talboys for being an excellent Deputy and the Pagentmasters Office, especially Laura and Dominic Read, for keeping us informed, organised and safe.


Misha Hebel, Clerk